Genealogy Junction

a subsite of Wakefield Family History Sharing

Lauder War Memorial

In Memory of those from
The Parish and Burgh of Lauder
Who Laid Down Their Lives
For Their Country in The War of
1914 - 1918
Their Names Will Live For Ever
The Hon. A H Maitland
Robert Logan 2nd Lieut KOSB
John Joyce L/Sgt Royal Scots
William Allan Cpl Gordons
James D Bruce Cpl ASC
Alexander P Kell Cpl Royal Scots
Robert Oliver Cpl Scottish Rifles
William Halliday L/Cpl HLI
William Lockie L/Cpl Camerons
William Todd L/Cpl KOSB
George Anderson Pte Gordons
Andrew Anderson Pte KOSB
Robert F Anderson Pte Dragoon Guards
James Anderson Pte KOSB
William Bell Pte KOSB
John Brodie Pte Australians
William Brown Pte KOSB
Andrew Bruce Sap Royal Engineers
George Bruce Pte Scots Guards
Thomas Bruce Pte Scots Guards
John Coltherd Pte Camerons
Thomas R Dickson
Pte Scots Guards
Adam Fleming Pte KOSB
Andrew Guthrie Pte KOSB
John Galbraith Pte KOSB
George Halliday Sap Royal Engineers
David Hardie Pte A & SH
John Hopkirk Pte KOSB
Alexander Hunter Pte Canadians
William Hunter Pte KOSB
Andrew Kelly Pte Royal Scots Fus
John Kinnon Pte KOSB
James Laidlaw Pte HLI
William Maughlane Pte KOSB
William Middlemiss Pte Royal Scots
Thomas Moor Pte Canadians
Thomas Nisbet Pte RAMC
William Noble Pte Rifle Brigade
Thomas Paterson Pte Lancs Fus
William Paterson Pte KOSB
Robert H Robertson Pte KOSB
Alexr Rutherford Pte KOSB
Adam Gunn Scott Pte KOSB
Armour Scott Sap Royal Engineers
Adam Skeldo Pte A & SH
James Stevenson Pte KOSB
John Stuart Pte Seaforths
John James Todd Pte Canadiens
William Torrie Pte Australians
George White Pte KOSB
John White Pte KOSB
James Welsh Pte KOSB
1939 - 1945
Donald A Bird Leiut RAMC
David Colville Capt KOSB
John Elliot    MC Maj KOSB
Thomas Norman Elliot AB Seaman RN
Gordon Hodge Sgt RAF
Visct. Ivor C Maitland Lieut Loth & Bdr Horse
James Mercer Flt/Segt RAF
Ian Monro Pte Cameronians
George N McDougal   MC Capt Royal Engineers
Hector McDonald Chief Petty Officer RN
Thomas Redpath L/Cpl Royal Scots
George G Redpath L/Cpl Royal Scots
Leslie Ross Piper KOSB
Robert Watson Pilot Officer RAF



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